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You Want Riches

Midnite Mafia Radio

Company Blog

January 14th 2023

Wealth is Health

I can't help but notice that most of the billions of people on this earth is searching for a

fulfillment that is not easy to have. My team and I conducted in a experiment in our local area

where we live . We asked teenagers, middle agers, and elderly agers, what was more important

to them money, health ,happiness, peace, or love. Believe it or not most of them said money,

money was the most favored out of the categories of health ,happiness ,peace and love. It's

alarming to see that most the population has lost the knowledge of bearing fruits. Believe it or

not us as human beings male or female we dedicate most of our lives to education, working for

companies that really serves no meaning other than educational debt that we spend another

five maybe 10 years getting out of, just settle at a job that doesn't really pay us enough to live

comfortably and that is called a career. The other population either drops out because schools

are not for them and they end up working a job that barely pays them enough to even get by, and

they wonder why our crime rate is so high. The rule makers make every

thing so hard it seems

impossible to keep balance to the point where most the population loses control or better yet

they're in control as if they're living walking robotic humans that's programmed to work in the

chain of demands orders. If you're still reading this I'm going to shed some light, the true secret

to wealth and health is doing what you love if you love painting, paint for money, you love to

write, go with freelance writing and get paid for writing there's people out there that hire you to

write and in fact there's people that hire you to do anything underneath the Sun that you love to

do. It's all about you it's your life its your story don't let no one write your story, its your story!

you tell your story put in some action tell your truth. Eat good, eat healthy, workout and you have a healthy life. Where there's happiness there's life and there's peace.

by Dexter King

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