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Artificial intelligence AI

AI technology 👨‍💻

I'm sure it's clear to say that the world has shifted in a way that only few world leaders understand. The power of this new world shift was so powerful it was felt all over the nation, wars broke out, natural disasters occurred in small parts of the world, and the most inhumane effects I saw was innocent children,men and women lost their lives by an white individual human beings all because fear and hate that their minds and hearts slaved.

New World Orders 🌍

Many ask questions, but only a few have the answers. Lower working class of America are in fear of losing their jobs to bots, yes working robots are the future for many major businesses. That means most of the world from the lower working class will be jobless. That means half the world's population will fall back into the great depression, no wonder why there's so much up roar about the future. Technically technology is on the rise to help shape the world and to make the world more proficient. Will the rich keep getting richer and will the poor keep getting poorer, I guess that up to the individual. Facts are the world is evolving for the greatest intentions for survival, some are going to make it and some are not really no in between. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness of the future of AI technology, the power of the future is really on the individual how they adapt to changes. Personally I see this as a huge opportunity for huge gain for all in this nation. This type of change will unite our nations like it was supposed to be. Only way to see the New World Orders is in this perspective Peace, Love, Harmony, and Abundance.

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