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Mental awareness

Mental health tips


Have you ever experienced a panic attack out of nowhere? Or experienced restless nights due to overthinking and feeling overwhelmed. If so your reading the right blog , I will provide helpful exercise that will get rid of all symptoms and give you correct direction to living a healthy peaceful life.


Only if human beings understood they're in complete control of themselves and everything around them. The fact humanity adopted the idea they can race or defeat time in itself. In pursuit of living and following society they neglect and ignore self care. In most cases neglecting and nourishing your soul and physical self it occasionally transpires to a fatal or common diagnosis medically. Understanding the law of attraction is a major key in self care and awareness. A law that's so easy to understand but so hard to master due to lack of understanding your individual self. To realse pressure and stress on the physical body, one must understand that health is wealth, understanding the human form as a being is a gift of creation. When you show respect and value to a living being the physical body will respond in the order the signal is being received by the state of mind. This is why it is important to embrace the vibrations and emotions of love. Three main Keys to a healthy life is Mind, Body, and soul. Surround your mind, body and soul around things or beings that will prompt healthy peaceful and happy environment. Getting out in the sun light and nature will instantly boost your awareness for life. Organizing your life that is suitable for you that will motivate you to live life to your full potential in your best physical form. Learning to release your past traumas or just bad experiences will delay you and keep you from your healthy wealthy life. Forgive those who have done you wrongly because forgiveness wasn't for them, it's was met for you, so you can evolve into a better you a healthier you. Only if humankind can understand that low vibrations feast on them like bed bugs in their beds hard to get rid of when you hold on to so much pain and memories that don't serve us any good but serves as self-pity and endless torture. Embracing true healing is the cure to all mental illnesses and for medical illnesses visit your practitioner doctor or call 911.

In of mental support please visit

Written and researched

By Dexter King

Donations for of mental health illness patiences

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