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Down Fall Of Hip Hop & Rap

Midnite Mafia Radio Blog

Down fall of Rap

Hip hop & Rap are turning into circus acts


How did Hip Hop and Rap turn for the worst? Even the quality of the music

arrangements and creativity is trash in the rap industry. I'm sure the greatest are

turning in their graves to see how backwards the new generation acts they have

truly messed things up, not just in their own communities but the lack of respect

they show for themselves and the people they're influencing.


HIP HOP AND Rap music was at one point in time the

greatest tool to embrace change, a art form to express

ourselves in a peaceful manner. If there was beef on the

block either rap a battle, or dance battle would solve all

variety of issues. Now , all you hear on everything rappers

incriminating themselves, bragging about how many

bodies they have in their own communities. Disrespecting

women of all shapes and size and colors and dressing

them with the word b****. One of the greatest rappers of

all time wrote a song called "Dear Mama" and his name was

Tupac. Poetry was The voice of this nation his music got

all the way to the White House got the president's

attention that brought change to our people. The greatest

leaders Malcolm x, Dr Martin Luther King, and

Muhammad Ali, and many others that fought for a civil

rights , and Independence rights. Rappers nowadays are

blinded by money and guided by their ego they show no

moral discipline and they wonder why most of them are

seeing the grave at early early age. I rather have females

rap about their good goods other than hear male rappers

talk about guns and how big their dick is, there is no

messages in nothing, only messages I seem to decode in

these raps is pure hate lack of respect for themselves and

the lack of respect for this beautiful planet that we live on

and I take a stand I'm no longer listening to trash , as the

world and united we stand stop entertaining the

entertainers because we control their paychecks. We're in

a Time where light needs to be shed on darkness and we

need to embrace peace and love.

By Dexter King

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