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Midnite Mafia Radio

NEWSLETTER/Blog January 16th, 2023

Remembrance Of Dr. Martin Luther King

A big big thank you!

Dr. King was way more than just " I Had A Dream" speech. He was way beyond our times understanding when it can to solutions and revolutions. When the 1 world divide us by color, and mistreated, mislead those who were darker shade of skin tone. Many spoke , but none took action like Dr. King did, while others were acting out in rage , vandalizing their own cities , Dr.King was in the pool lots of church's teaching truth by using wise words of wisdom. Empowering people of all colors he understood, to walk this walk , and to march this march it was going to take mental strength of nonviolent Acts and numbers of body's who clairvoyantly understand the mission. Through patience, faith , and belief with time a great change will come. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership of the modern American Civil Rights Movement, from December 1955 until April 4, 1968, African Americans achieved more genuine progress toward racial equality in America than the previous 350 years had produced. King maintained his antiwar stance and supported peace movements until he was assassinated on April 4, 1968, one year to the day after delivering his "Beyond Vietnam" speech. His assassination led to an outpouring of anger among Black Americans, as well as a period of national 2 mourning that helped speed the way for an equal housing bill that would be the last significant legislative achievement of the civil rights era. Dr. Martin Luther King taught me, Dream big and be great service to the people.

By Dexter King

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