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My Thoughts



Midnite Mafia Radio Blog


As I woke up I could hear the sound of the wind whistling thru my window. I couldn't

help but notice a intense feelings that came over me . The feelings that I identified

wasn't fear, wasn't anger, nor was it a depression feeling. It was a feeling of

understanding how this beautiful universe works.


I can't help but ask, what happened to the world? How is

it that we can stand together when a violent act is a

against us when it comes to police brutality, but soon the

smoke clears we fall right back to doing violent, and cruel

acts upon each other. Is it me? Or, is the world we live in

moving backwards or just stuck. As I conduct my

observation most of the world population lost its gift's of

the creativity using their imaginations the worlds been

consumed with businesses creations. The problem isn't

the government, it's the mindset of the individual, storms

are mother natures emotions, every storm has an end

and it always ends with the Sun shining again. Are you

controlled with The narrative of being brainwashed by the

government or did you brainwash yourselves by putting

those blasphemous thoughts in your own heads to make

yourselves believe that. This beautiful Earth is changing ,

and changing very fast either adapt or play victim till you

see the grave but every storm ends with a new

perspective a new mind and a New soul.

by Dexter King

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